Archive | Lifestyle

Hip Happenings in the World of Honda

Honda has been relatively quiet lately, which is surprising for a company with as many divisions as it has. It sometimes feels as though we would require a dozen writers to keep up with all of the press releases. Today, we would best spend our time on a mini-roundup of the (insert dramatic voice) World […]

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2015 Honda Fit EX-L Is a Tech Hub

It’s 5 o’clock. A colorful sea of cars lies ahead with a cacophony of blaring horns – almost identical to the scene behind. Coltrane’s slick tune almost makes the trip home bearable, and it even lends a few moments of joy during an ambitious bridge. Returning from those ethereal notes is the harsh reality that […]

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Honda: Best Brand for Fayetteville Families

It’s that time of year again. The commercials even began two weeks ago, offering sales for back-to-school necessities. In a few weeks, life will be consumed by homework, report cards, projects, and extracurricular activities – maybe even continuing that part-time job picked up over the summer break. With all of the commotion throughout the academic […]

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